To some people getting a new puppy is very important thus require plenty of planning and preparation. Buying puppies for sale meant commitment and if you are someone who can’t commit even to the simple needs of a dog then don’t think about buying one....
It’s very sad to see people neglect an animal especially a dog because they are such loyal animals. Dogs need more care then just feeding them, they also need to be given tender love and some attention. When you give your dog some tender care in return they will...
Coatimundi Texas Listed as a threatened species in Texas, white-nosed coatis – also called coati-mundis – belong to the family Procyonidae, a group of small carnivores that includes raccoons and ringtails. They occur largely in woodlands and canyons found in Mexico...
Under mounting pressure from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Bayer Corporation suspended the sale of its hugely profitable drug Trasylol in November 2007. A blood clotting drug used during heart surgery to control bleeding, Trasylol was given to more than four...
New To Deworming Of Dogs? Don’t Worry. Deworming of dogs and all pets has always been a topic of discussion. All the pet parents need authentic information about how and when to deworm their precious pets. Generally, deworming of any pet should start when they...
Laboratory studies of ingredients in seven popular flea and tick control products reveal adverse health effects in all animals tested. The effects of these well known and aggressively marketed products range from convulsions, body tremors and labored breathing to...
It’s a concrete fact that a pet needs can vary throughout its lifetime. Providing the utmost care through all the years of their lives helps them lead a healthy and happy life. As keeping your pet healthy is a lifetime commitment, providing the best care at...
Taking care of our pet is probably expensive. You need to take your pet dogs and cats to the veterinarian regularly to check their health conditions. Fleas and ticks are the most common problems mainly in pet dogs and cats. Now you don’t have to worry about it....
Is cat dewormer the same as dog wormer? Cat Dewormer vs Dog Dewormer. After giving a dewormer treatment to your kitty, she gets worm-free, but your dog needs deworming too. If there is still a part of the treatment left you can be tempted to just give it to your pup....