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How To Deworm Your Dog Or Puppy

Jan 12, 2021

Q. What is the best natural dewormer for dogs? ANSWER

So you found out your dog has worms! Don’t worry, you are not alone. Finding that your dog has worms is a common thing for dog owners.

FIRST: Confirm The Worm

Intestinal worms and parasites are different than internal heartworms, and are treated differently. 

Most worms that infect dogs include roundworms, tapeworms, hookworms, and whipworms live in the intestines, so that’s the first place for your vet to look.
Usually, you will have to take a stool sample to your vet, and they will examine it under a microscope to see what type of worms your dog has. For heartworms, a blood test is usually required to detect heartworms. Some dogs may have a small amount of worms that pose no threat to the dog, since some dogs have different immune levels, and for some dogs, just the slightest infestation could kill them.

Deworm Your Dog

With the different types of dog worms found, it is important to make sure you put your puppy or dog on a deworming program at the start of 2 weeks old. Some worms you can not see with the naked eye, and it is important for the puppy or dog’s health to be protected against these parasites that infect their bodies sometimes.

Here are some other things you can do to help prevent worms. Try not to let your puppy or dog play with dead animals or rodents. This is where most tapeworms come from. Puppies are prone to tasting their feces matter, so make sure you discourage that, and clean up waste right away. This is the most common way for puppies and dogs to get worms.

Natural Dog Dewormer Worm Defender Parasite Illustration

Having your dog on a flea prevention program is great, since fleas help spread tapeworms in dogs. The dog park is sometimes not the best place for your dog to hang out. Sure, he or she would love it, but some other dog owners do not have their dogs under control, and this is an easy place for other dogs to catch stuff, from digging in the dirt to jumping on and licking other dogs.

Too many worms for any dog would be bad, and totally affect their health and well being. Your dog would have diarrhea, and their shiny coat of hair would become dull looking. Most of the nutrients your dog needs from food would be going to the worms, and your dog would lose energy and lose weight. The red blood cells would become destroyed, and the dog would become anemic.

You can find many different types of natural dewormer for dogs or medicated dog dewormers from pet stores to online pet stores and some of the major retailers of pet products. Dewormers can come in the form of pills, soft chews, liquid or injection. Make sure you understand how to do it. Each company and type of dewormer could have different directions. Most vets recommend deworming your puppy at 2, 4, 6, 8 and 12 weeks old. Then follow the directions, as some medicines will be monthly, or quarterly, and even semi annually. So ask your vet which dewormer is best for you, or follow the directions closely on the dewormer product your purchase.

Source by Vince Stead

Texas Pet Company Worm Defender Soft Chews Slide 1 1500×1500 V2

ANSWER: The best natural dewormer for dogs is the one that works for your dog.

With a variety of options on the market we know not all size fits one. Texas Pet Company brings a easy solution for those seeking to deworm your dog using natural ingredients like Pumpkin Seeds, Diatomaceous Earth and Apple Cider Vinegar.

They provide an easy and safer alternative to worm pillsfor dogs in the form of soft chews.

Learn More About Worm Defender

The Most Common Types Of Worms In Dogs

First, understand that intestinal worms and parasites are different than internal heartworms.

The most common intestinal worms in dogs:

  • Roundworms
  • Hookworms
  • Whipworms
  • Tapeworms

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