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Top 10 Ways To A Calm Dog

Jun 5, 2023

The Ultimate Guide to Calming Your Dog

Dogs, like humans, can experience anxiety, stress, and hyperactivity. It’s important to provide them with a calm and soothing environment to help them relax. In this video, we will explore ten effective ways to calm your dog.

1. Exercise and Mental Stimulation

A tired dog is often a calm dog. Regular exercise and mental stimulation are vital for channeling your dog’s energy and reducing anxiety. Engage your dog in activities such as brisk walks, jogging, or playing fetch to release excess energy. Additionally, mental stimulation through puzzle toys, obedience training, or scent work can provide a constructive outlet for their energy and promote relaxation.

2. Create a Safe Space

Dogs seek comfort and security in their environment, especially when feeling stressed. Designate a specific area in your home as a safe space for your dog. This could be a crate, a quiet corner with their bed and toys, or a cozy den-like space. Make sure the area is comfortable, well-ventilated, and free from any potential stressors. Encourage your dog to use this space as a retreat whenever they need to relax and unwind.

3. Calming Music and Sounds

Dog Calming Music

Music has a profound impact on dogs’ emotions, and certain sounds can help dogs calm down. Consider playing soft classical music or specially designed dog relaxation tracks to create a soothing ambiance. These calming sounds can drown out external noise and provide a sense of tranquility for your furry friend. Experiment with different types of music to find the ones that have the most calming effect on your dog.

BONUS TIP >>> Stream music for free with Amazon Music

4. Massage and Gentle Touch

Massaging your dog can help alleviate muscle tension and promote relaxation. Gently stroke your dog’s body, focusing on areas they enjoy, such as the shoulders, neck, and back. Use slow, rhythmic motions to soothe their muscles. Massage not only calms your dog physically but also strengthens the bond between you. Be mindful of your dog’s body language and adjust your touch accordingly. Some dogs may prefer light touches, while others may enjoy firmer pressure.

5. Aromatherapy

Certain scents have calming properties that can help relax your dog’s mind. Lavender, chamomile, and valerian essential oils are known for their soothing effects. However, it’s crucial to use essential oils safely around dogs. Dilute the oils and use a diffuser to disperse the scent throughout the room. Avoid applying oils directly to your dog’s fur or skin, as they may have adverse effects. Always consult with a veterinarian or a certified aromatherapist before using essential oils around your dog.

BONUS TIP >>> Here are some recommended calming aromatherapy products

6. Counter-Conditioning and Desensitization

If your dog has specific triggers that cause anxiety or fear, counter-conditioning and desensitization techniques can be effective. Gradually expose your dog to the trigger in a controlled and positive manner, associating it with rewards and pleasant experiences. For example, if your dog is afraid of thunderstorms, play recordings of distant thunder at a low volume while engaging in a fun activity or providing treats. Over time, this can help your dog form positive associations and reduce their anxiety response.

7. Provide a Balanced Diet

A healthy diet plays a significant role in your dog’s overall well-being, including their emotional state. Ensure your dog is receiving a balanced and nutritious diet that meets their specific needs. Some dogs may benefit from calming supplements or foods that contain natural ingredients known for their soothing properties, such as chamomile or turkey. Consult with your veterinarian to determine the best dietary options for your dog.

8. Implement a Consistent Routine

Dogs thrive on routine and predictability. Establishing a consistent daily schedule for feeding, exercise, playtime, and rest can help reduce anxiety and promote a sense of security. Dogs feel more relaxed and confident when they know what to expect. Stick to the same feeding and walking times, and ensure that your dog has a consistent bedtime routine. A structured routine provides stability and helps your dog feel grounded, leading to a calmer demeanor.

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9. Calming Supplements and Medications

In some cases, calming supplements or medications prescribed by a veterinarian may be necessary to manage your dog’s anxiety or hyperactivity. These can include natural remedies, such as herbal supplements or pheromone diffusers, or prescribed medications to alleviate severe anxiety or fear-based
behaviors. However, it’s important to consult with a veterinarian before using any supplements or medications to ensure their safety and effectiveness for your specific dog.

BONUS TIP >>> Here are some recommended calming supplements

10. Practice Calm and Assertive Energy

Dogs are highly intuitive and can pick up on their owner’s energy and emotions. To help your dog remain calm, it’s essential to project a sense of calm and assertive energy yourself. Avoid reacting to your dog’s anxious behavior with panic or frustration, as this can intensify their stress levels. Instead, speak softly and move calmly around your dog. Use positive reinforcement and reward calm behavior. Your own calmness and confident demeanor can have a significant impact on your dog’s emotional state.


Calming down a dog requires a combination of understanding, patience, and effective techniques. By incorporating regular exercise, creating a safe space, utilizing calming music and sounds, providing massage and gentle touch, and implementing counter-conditioning and desensitization methods, you can help your dog find a state of relaxation. Additionally, aromatherapy, a balanced diet, a consistent routine, and, if necessary, calming supplements or medications can further aid in achieving a calmer dog. Remember to maintain a calm and assertive energy yourself to promote a peaceful environment for your furry friend.

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