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Comparative Study of Frontline Combo and Advocate for Dogs

Dec 31, 2020

Dogs are susceptible to numerous health hazards. Environment, genetically pre-disposed diseases, internal and external parasites and general hygiene are a few of the aspects that have a direct effect on their health. Parasites like fleas and ticks are found in the environment, live on the canine’s body, and transmit diseases. There are several pet medications, which can curb these pests. Frontline Combo and Advocate for dogs are two of the most popular flea and tick treatments now. Now the question that arises here is which one to select.

Which factors affect the selection of pet care products?

Factors that affect the selection of flea medication are many. Starting from the breed of the dog, working mechanism of the medication, ingredients of the product, seasonal changes and the location, every little thing matters while zeroing down on the most suitable product for the pet. Talking about the characteristic features, Advocate is a multipurpose treatment that not only rules out flea and tick infestations but also proves effective on gastrointestinal worms and heartworms. Frontline for dogs on the other hand leads the specific domain of flea and tick treatment and prevention.

What are the merits of Frontline products?

Manufactured by Merial, Frontline has fipronil and S-methoprene as the active ingredients. With a rapid action, it kills 100% adult fleas within 12 hours and 100% ticks within a span of 48 hours. In addition, it is highly effective in preventing re-infestations and kills all flea life stages. A topical treatment, it is easy to administer, remains effective for an entire month, and assures long-lasting protection. The best part is that it saves dogs from dreadful diseases by attacking all stages of brown dog ticks, American dog ticks, deer ticks and lone star ticks. Overall, it is an easy to use and powerful flea and tick treatment.

What are the characteristic features of Advocate for canines?

Advocate is a product from the house of Bayer. Officially named as Advantage Multi, this product kills fleas, ticks, mites and also protects dogs against various intestinal worms and prevents heartworm infections. Thus, it is a one shot solution with anthelmintic and parasiticide characteristics, making it a full proof treatment for dogs exposed to internal and external parasites. The powerful action of its active ingredients Imidacloprid and moxidectin kills 98-100% adult fleas within 12 hours and prevents re-infestations for 4 weeks. This spot-on treatment prevents worm infections for a span of month thus providing complete protection to the treated dog for an entire month.

Which one to choose?

Well, there is equal distribution of votes from the pet parents regarding the two treatments. While Advocate has the advantage of being multipurpose, Frontline is a peerless leader in the domain of flea and tick treatments. Objectively thinking, the selection mainly depends on the location. For pet parents who live in a worm-infested area, Advocate proves to be the ultimate choice while for dogs living in flea-infested areas; Frontline Combo is the unbeatable choice. Therefore, the selection largely depends on the location where the pet is as well as the parasite domination in that area. Another factor that affects the selection would be the suitability of ingredients. If the pet is allergic to ingredients of one product, then choosing another one is a good solution. Therefore, a decision based on these factors has more chances of giving good results. It is all about making choices that give optimal health to your pet. Isn’t it?

Source by Kai Moore

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