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Dog Pile – Please Pick It Up

Jan 30, 2021

I really do not hope your are eating something, but did you know that you can get a fake dog pile in long or round bits for a joke. My younger son had initiated this research of mine, by asking why I pick up the dog’s business, even though he had done it on the grass.

As a slight diversion, I found out that the meaning of pepper – our westie dog -is “An animal full of zip” Believe he has plenty of zip if you are trying to get him into the bath.

To get back to the topic in hand (sorry that was a bad turn of phase), please be responsible and try and clean up after your dog. There are a number of diseases and illnesses that can be caused by contact with dog poo. One is stomach upsets, but the most important is Toxocariasis.

Toxacra can infect young children, if they play in an area, which has been infected by dogs, and they then put their fingers in their mouths. The infection is very serious and can cause eyesight damage or even blindness. Although, the Toxacra infection is very rare, even one case is one too many.

So please help by worming your West highland white terrier (westie) on a regular basis and also disposing of dog poo quickly and safety.

One again, apologies if this subject hasn’t spoiled your food. Please appreciate the serious issues involved.

(Disclaimer: Any information contained in this site relating to various medical, health and fitness conditions of Westies or other animals and their treatments is for informational purposes only and is not meant to be a substitute for the advice provided by your own veterinarian. You should not use the information contained herein for diagnosing the health of any animal. You should always consult and check with your own vet or veterinarian.)

I do hope that you have found the article of use to you.

Good health and happiness

Source by Jeff Cuckson

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