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Frontline for Cats: Application and Side Effects

Feb 20, 2021

According to statistics quoted by, 53% of US households own at least one cat and 56% of the owners own more than one cat. Like all other pets, cats too need a great deal of warmth and affection. The owners need to take proper care of the health and happiness of their cats. This requires awareness of the various problems and ways to tackle them.

Your cat can be exposed to serious diseases and viruses through fleas and ticks. Infections resulting from fleas and ticks can have several adverse effects like itching and loss of blood. These fleas suck on the blood of the animal it leeches to and can even result in death. So, it is very important for you to keep your cats free of fleas and ticks as much as possible. Frontline for cats is an effective remedy for dealing with this problem.

Frontline for Cats: Application

Frontline for cats is a monthly topical flea and tick preventative medicine for dogs and cats. The solution kills 100% of adult fleas within 18 hours and 100% of all ticks and chewing lie within 48 hours. The product contains Fipronil, a broad spectrum insecticide and Methoprene, an insect growth regulator which kills flea eggs and larvae. Fipronil is a slow acting poison that blocks the passage of chloride ions through the GABA receptor and glutamate-gated Chloride (GLuCI) channels, components of the central nervous system. The non prescription product is effective against all stages of the brown dog tick, the American dog tick, the lone star tick and the deer tick.

One should use frontline plus (fipronil 9.8% and S-methoprene 11.8%), available in the form of 0.5ml applicators on cats and kittens that are eight weeks or older. The application should be used by placing its tip to the animal’s skin between the shoulder blades. Apply the entire contents of the applicator in a single spot to the animal’s skin and use only one applicator per treatment.

Side Effects of Using Frontline for Cats

Frontline for cats is an over-the-counter product and has limited side effects. Pets may experience some temporary irritation at the site of product application. However, if the irritation persists for long or becomes more severe after a few days of application, one should consult a veterinarian immediately. The product is approved for use on breeding, pregnant or nursing cats. One should consult a veterinarian before using frontline for cats on medicated animals, debilitated or aged animals.

Frontline for cats should be stored at room temperature and in the original container only. Since the product is poisonous, its original container should never be reused and should be disposed by wrapping it in several layers of newspapers.

Source by Jacob Astle

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