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3 Simple Dog Care Tips From The Pros

Feb 14, 2021

Having a pet dog is no easy responsibility. Every dog parent should always be on top of their pet’s physical and emotional well-being. The goal is to have a healthy and happy pet which makes both your life and his life better. Taking care of a dog is a continuous learning process – you learn something new from time to time. While each dog owner has their own approach on how they prefer to raise their pets, here are some easy dog care tips from the pros you can consider:

Have your dog checked by the vet regularly

Like us, as dogs grow older, they become more prone to health issues. It could be as simple as a toothache or as serious as a heart problem. The symptoms doesn’t always show or it’s too late when they do – that’s why it’s important to bring your pet to the vet regularly to have a general check up. Annual check ups should also cover dental care, health screenings, vaccinations, parasite control as well as recommended vaccinations. According to the Academy of Veterinary Nutrition Technicians president Dr. Kara M. Burns, regular exams are the single most important way to keep pets healthy.

Prevent your dog from getting parasites

The most common parasite that can affect your canine’s health are fleas. When they’re exposed to other dogs who has them, your pet can easily be plagued by the external parasite. Fleas can cause skin irritation, infection, hair loss, hot spots and more. If your pet swallows a flea, other parasites can easily be introduced to his body like a tapeworm. To help prevent both external and internal parasites, make sure that your dog and the environment he moves in are clean. Year-round prevention is ideal by getting regular flea and internal parasite control.

Keep your dog mentally and physically healthy

According to Ohio State University Veterinary Medical Center professor and veterinary nutritionist Dr. Tony Buffington, an enriched environment is key to the long-term health and welfare of both canines and felines. A daily walk or run or a regular game of fetch will keep your pet physically active and healthy. Mental stimulation is just as important, so try a game of hide and seek, a toy or a treat hunt and other similar games at home.

Follow these effective dog care tips from the pros to contribute to your pet’s health and happiness!

Source by Mary L. James

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